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Gift and present guide changes

Gift and present guide changes

Now that the run up to Christmas Day is well underway, we thought we'd make your Christmas shopping even easier by improving our gift and present guide!

We noticed that our catelogue had become swamped with so many products that it wasn't very easy to find what you were looking for, so with that in mind we've reduced them. You can now find thousands of quality Christmas gift and present ideas, without having to trawl through all those uninteresting products!

Please do bear with us whilst we update the guide. You may find that the categories don't quite add up at the moment, but they will soon!

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we'll be redesigning the gift and present guide, as well as changing the categories to make things even easier for you.

Please remember to share the guide and products with all your friends and family, as well as letting us know if you have any ideas, suggestions or problems.

Click here to view our Christmas gift and present guide